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Details on biodiversity friendly carbon offsets and how they differ from other carbon offsets can be found here: https://greensodireland.ie/2024/02/21/biodiversity-friendly-carbon-offsets/

Why we sell carbon offsets: https://greensodireland.ie/2024/02/21/problems-and-solutions-for-carbon-offsetting/

Carbon tonnes available to purchase in 2024: 900


map locations of gifted land to green sod ireland

map locations of gifted land to green sod ireland

This scheme recognises that reducing Carbon emissions must remain the top priority for tackling climate change. Therefore we only work with organisations that meet our criteria and that are committed to making a meaningful impact.


Contact rory@greensodireland.ie for more information.

Important questions to ask when choosing a Carbon Offsetting Provider:

1. Do they own the land being used and if not how do they guarantee its long term protetion.
2. What is the plan for managing the site? Rewilding, tree planting, rewetting ecological restoration, invasive species management.
3. If the provider is tree planting organisation where are they sourcing their trees from and is it an appropriate site for tree planting.

Green Sod Irelands answer to these quesitions:
1.Green Sod Ireland owns all sites used for carbon offsetting.
2. Each site has its own management plan based on proffesional ecological reports done on the site. These plans involve fencing of the sites, invasive species removal, grassland managment and rewetting peatlands as some examples.
3. We have forests on our sites but we are not a tree planting organisation. However some Irish origin trees are planted where appropriate to establish local seedbanks.

More information about our land can be found here; https://greensodireland.ie/land/