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Any donation to Green Sod Ireland goes a long way towards helping protect nature and biodiversity here in Ireland. As an environmental charity we rely on donations to allow us to remove invasive speacies, fence our land, organise volunteer days and education programmes and to monitor the biodiversity and habitats of our sites.


Donating Land

If you are considering the idea of gifting land to be protected in perpetuity you can read ‘Steps to Donating Land’ and the ‘Land Management Policy’

If you are considering making a gift/legacy please call us on +353 87 632 4004 or email info@greensodireland.ie

We would be delighted to have a conversation with you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about how the process works.

If you have already chosen to remember us in your will, we offer you sincere thanks.

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Conscious of your Carbon Footprint?

Green Sod Ireland goes further than just being ‘carbon neutral’ or ‘sustainable’. Green Sod Ireland is regenerative – it tips the far side of the scale – it gives back to nature, protects and regenerates. This is fundamental to Green Sod Ireland as an organisation and to Ireland as a country.

If you are interested in a carbon offsetting scheme in Ireland that is biodiversity friendly you can find more information here:



If you make a donation of €250 or more to Green Sod Ireland in a calendar year, your donation could be worth an extra €112 to Green Sod.

All you need to do is complete, sign and date the Enduring Certificate and return it by email to info@greensodireland.ie  or post to 8 Bowling Green, Galway, H91 Y9X8.
The good news is that the Enduring Certificate lasts for 5 years.                        Alternatively, you may like to donate €21 on a monthly basis.   We greatly appreciate your generosity in taking the time to complete the form and for donating to Green Sod Ireland.


Gifts in Wills

Leaving a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to ensure the protection of Irish land for future generations. Remembering us in your Will enables us to plan for the future, while continuing our everyday work.