Biodiversity is the variety of all life on Earth
Today is Earth Day. The theme this year we are delighted to say is Restore our Earth. Here at Green Sod Ireland we have been working to protect Irish land and its biodiversity for over a decade. By protecting our Wild Acres, we create safe havens for other living creatures, where species can thrive and flourish. This protection of natural habitats facilitates the free movement of wildlife, which is vital for biodiversity. We are delighted to see the protection and restoration of our natural environment is now being highlighted as an important agenda.
What Restorative Earth Action can you take this Earth Day?
Biodiversity is the variety of all life on Earth. Therefore biodiversity is something we need to protect, and indeed respect.
We found this short simple article on, ‘What is biodiversity?’, which we would like to share. Written by Katie Pavid, for the Natural History Museum, London, this article outlines why biodiversity is important and what causes biodiversity loss.
Full article here:
Natural History Museum also presents this wonderful short video to help explain biodiversity a little more. We hope you enjoy.
“Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity?”
The Natural History Museum in London is home to over 80 million specimens, including meteorites, dinosaur bones and a giant squid. It exhibits a vast range of specimens from various segments of natural history. It is one of three major museums on Exhibition Road in South Kensington, the others being the Science Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
For those who don’t know, or indeed have not yet taken the time to visit, there is also a fantastic Natural History Museum here in Ireland. Situated on Merrion Street in Dublin, it is a branch of the National Museum of Ireland. Often referred to as The Dead Zoo, the museum ‘exhibits more than 10,000 specimens in its galleries. These represent only a tiny fraction of a collection that is estimated at about two million scientific specimens.’ Well worth a visit!
Feature image: From the Biodiversity Heritage Libary, The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands